Conventa Logo

Who we are

About Us

Conventa 0000s 0004 People Taking Part High Protocol Event (2)
Conventa 0000s 0005 Woman Delivering Inspiring Speech Corporate Event

Our Services

We Create Original Event Experiences

You can rely on us for the organization of:
• Scientific symposia and conferences
• Corporate meetings
• Exhibitions

Types of events we produce:

And more!!!

Key reasons why you should work with us:



Dealing with customer complaints

We certainly hope that we can settle any complaints amicably; however, should this prove not to be the case, clients may refer any dispute to HGK (Croatian Chamber of Commerce). The scheme provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability for clients in respect of costs.

Complaint receiving

Complaint must be received in writing – by email or by post:
Conventa grupa turistička agencija d.o.o
Nova ves 62
HR-10000 Zagreb

Each complaint will be stored in electronic way. The client is informed of the complaint’s receipt.

Complaint resolving

Complaint will be carefully examined as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days from the date of receipt. If the complaint cannot be resolved in this period due to additional investigation, the client must be informed about it. Finally the client is informed of the complaint’s result.

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